From International Staff 😊
Hello, I am Eka from Indonesia. since April 24th, Moslem in the world are celebrating the month of Ramadhan, and we are fasting (断食) for 1 month (expected until May 22nd), including me.
こんにちは、インドネシアのエカです。 4月24日から世界中のイスラム教徒がラマダンの月を祝って、私を含めて1ヶ月間断食しています。
Ramadhan in this year is felt different due to pandemic of new corona virus, because we cannot do gathering with others to have breakfasting (断食開け) together that we usually do in the previous year even in Japan.
Approaching the end of Ramadhan (Eid day: the day after Ramadhan), people in Indonesia usually make various foods, such as cookies and snacks. Here, due to the social distancing status, I mostly spent time at home; therefore l have a lot time to do something including making some cookies for the first time.
インドネシアでは、ラマダンの終わり(Eid day :ラマダンの翌日)に近づき、クッキーやスナック菓子などさまざまな料理を作ります。 今年は家にいる時間がたくさんあったので、たくさんのクッキーを作りました。
Here are some cookies and snack I have made. They are usually identical with the eid day in Indonesia. So, although in Japan, I just feel like celebrating eid in Indonesia.
私が作ったクッキーとスナック菓子です。 インドネシアでeid dayに食べるお菓子と同じです。 日本にいますが、インドネシアでeidを祝うのと同じような気分を味わえます。